Flea Prevention

  Tuesday 31st January, 2023
  Author: Kianah Conroy
  Categories: Pest Control

Flea Prevention

When it comes to fleas, pets are the main culprit for bringing them into your home. Anyone can agree that fleas are something you do not want to invade your household. Many people, do not know much about fleas, this is why we are here to tell you everything you need to know.

How to prevent fleas:

If you are a pet owner, it is important to check with your vet to see what type of flea prevention program your pets should be on and treat them monthly. Make sure your pets are regularly groomed and when you are on a walk, keep them on a leash to prevent them going into bushes & long grass.

A clean house goes a long way to prevent fleas. By vacuuming frequently, you can prevent fleas from laying eggs as well as remove flea populations that may have entered your home. Clean floors, properly stored food, sealed windows & doors can also help with flea prevention. Keep the areas your pets reside in clean – wash pet bedding, pick up dog piles, keep kitty litters clean.

Facts about fleas:

• An adult female flea can lay up to 40 eggs a day. This is 1,085 eggs for one adult female over its whole life span. The eggs are not sticky, so they fall into carpets, cracks in wood floor planks, pet bedding, and grass.

• Adult fleas can survive at least two weeks without a blood meal. They are very aggressive feeders and won’t hesitate to feed on people, as well as animals. They are also motivated feeders because they can’t lay eggs unless they eat.

• Fleas are jumping machines. They can jump up to 13 inches, which is like a human jumping 200 times their body length. Think 1,100 feet up in the air for the average five-foot, six-inch.

What to do if you have fleas?

Your probably wondering “so what should I do if I fleas?”, there are a couple options for treating fleas.

You can give us a call and we will come out and do a flea treatment for you, this will consist of the technician treating the interior of the property, which includes all carpeted areas, roof void, subfloor, and any pet sleeping areas/kennels. They will also treat the external of the property, including any sheds and garages onsite. We recommend vacuuming beforehand, this will hatch any eggs and once we do treatment, it will kill off the fleas. You can book in a treatment by clicking the link below:
Book Here

Another option is to purchase our flea control spray. You can spray this on carpets, furnishings, and pet bedding. To purchase this, click the link below:
Flea Control Spray